Medicare For All- I like it! How do we pay for it?
A team of economists from the University of Massachusetts Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) has found that the Medicare for All Act of 2017, introduced to the United States Senate by Senator Bernie Sanders, is not only economically viable, but could actually reduce health consumption expenditures by about 9.6 percent while also providing decent health care coverage for all Americans. If you want more information after watching the video, read this peer-reviewed study.
The Economic Impact Study commissioned by HealthCare for all PA in 2014, similarly found that there would be substantial savings with a state-based single payer Improved Medicare for All plan.
Single Payer Heath Care for PA and US: Let’s Talk Economics
Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts, Professor Gerald Friedman talks about a basic rundown of the current insurance system and how single payer trumps it. A great video for stat geeks.
Healthy Artists: Eanna Holton
This artist and mother gives us a look into her work and shares a story that demonstrates the need for a single payer system for Pennsylvania.
HealthCare 4 All PA Content
His Name Was Harry
Dr Bill Davidson, a Pennsylvania Cardiologist, shares a story that demonstrates why, contrary to popular belief, it’s the private health care industry that is limiting choices.
That Isn’t Covered Now
Dr. Walter Tsou, M.Ph., former Health Commissioner of Philadelphia and board member of Physicians for a National Health Plan and HealthCare4ALLPA, describes renal failure, dialysis, when patients are covered and how all of it exposes two glaring ironies of private insurance companies.
Stories from Canada
Real Canadians Talking Real Healthcare
Universal Health Care Message to Americans From Canadian Doctors & Health Care Experts
Occupy for Universal Health Care
A western Pennsylvania pediatrician shares his views about why the current health care system needs to be replaced by single payer.